The classes i am in for the semester are Experimental German Language, European Business Culture, Modern German History in European Context, and Contemporary Germany in European Perspectives. The average work load for a class would be a Midterm Exam, Final Exam, 2 field projects in which you go to a museum and write a three page report on it, and a term paper which is 10 pages long on a certain topic from the class.
Entrance to Sachsenhausen |
With these classes I feel I have a great schedule. On Monday i have class from 9 am to 7 pm almost straight through with an hour lunch break and a half hour break at 4 pm. Then on Wednesday and Thursday only one class on each day from 9 am to 12pm. And on Friday the study abroad program FU Best takes us on field trips. The first field trip was to Cecilienhof palace where the Potsdam conference occurred in which Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Harry S. Truman meet up after World War 2. The second field trip was to Sachsenhausen a Nazi concentration camp right outside of Berlin which was one of the first concentration camps and later used for a model for what would happen in other concentration camps later on. It was quite a somber experience to see such a place. Then on every other Tuesday i have no class but a field trip for German Language in which we got to a different part of Berlin. Our class so far has brought us to mitte which is the down town part of Berlin which is known for its museums and to a part of town which is known for there street art.
Sachsenhausen Russian Memorial |
Cecilienhof Palace |
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